IGEM/G/13 Domestic supply capacity and operating pressure at the outlet of the meter with amendments August 2023

This Standard covers industry agreed changes to working practice set out in Recommendation for changes to working practice Communication 1830 and covers:
- limit on the nominal gas load for domestic premises in kW
- harmonise procedures for installing appliances covering:
- pre-commissioning
- commissioning
- post commissioning.
- conditions for reporting low pressure supply
- method of testing for low pressure on the installation
- response from the emergency service providers.
- response from the emergency service providers.
This Standard essentially covers domestic supply capacity and the operating pressure at the outlet of the meter. These changes in some of the details conflict with current published BSI standards and established company procedures. The industry is arranging to have such information updated in line with this Standard in due course.
, in the meanwhile for application of this Standard or BS 6400-1; BS 6400-2 see Figure 1 in the Standard.
To accompany this document there is a presentation that may be used for team talks and training, which is entitled:
IGEM-G-13 – Domestic supply capacity and operating pressure at the outlet of the meter.
This Standard, the presentation and Communication 1830 are free to download from IGEM’s website www.igem.org.uk. in a summary of the procedures agreed by the working group in order align the response of installers and gas emergency service providers to incidents of low pressure on the gas distribution network.
1.1 This Standard supersedes Edition 1 published in 2022 Communication 1868.
1.2 This Standard has been drafted by a Working Group appointed by the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers’ (IGEM’s) Technical Co-ordinating Committee, subsequently approved by that Committee; the Gas Utilisation Committee, the Gas Measurement Committee and the Gas Transmission and Distribution Committee and published by the authority of the Council of IGEM.
1.3 During 2016, following complaints raised by installers to the Standards Consultation Forum (SCF) (part of the Standards Setting Body), work was carried out by the Gas Distribution Network (GDN) companies to produce an Energy Networks Association (ENA) document entitled “Gas industry bulletin – Response to poor pressure reports”. This document, that was provided to the SCF, was not seen by this industry group as satisfying their concerns resulting from incidents of low pressure experienced by installers. As a result, SCF made a request that IGEM facilitate a working group to consider the matter more fully.
1.4 IGEM sought agreement from the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) to undertake the work on behalf of the industry, which was tabled at a TCC meeting on 6th June 2016. The request was accepted and the first meeting was convened on 8th June 2017 and chaired by the Chair of IGEM’s Gas Measurement Committee (GMC). The chair of the Working Group was passed onto the Chair of the SCF and Large Business Forum (LBF) in 2021.
1.5 The working group was entitled LP Supply Pressure Working Group and IGEM had written to all its consultees seeking their involvement with the work. There was across industry engagement with the working group and there were twenty four representatives at the first meeting from amongst the GDNs, meter equipment managers (MEMs), large businesses, installer groups, sole-traders, gas appliance manufacturers, independent consultants, British Standards Institution (BSI), Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Gas Safe Register.
1.6 The format for the working group was a workshop with background information prepared for each meeting and a number of questions for the members to debate in small groups. Each group was made up of representatives across industry to stimulate conversation between the parties to arrive at a consensus to answer the questions.
1.7 The initial meetings were intended to cover the following aspects of the work:
- legal requirements and guidance for the Natural Gas (NG) low pressure supply Network
- published Standards by BSI and IGEM
- appliance manufacturers’ instructions
- organisations’ internal guidance
- issues raised by the industry.
1.8 The outcome of the work was intended to inform industry of the root cause of the issues that originally had been raised by the installers at SCF and propose solutions.
There was consensus that:
The current arrangements in place, including the legal framework were fit for purpose but there was a need for cooperation across the industry to improve the communication and increase the level of understanding of all aspects of the gas system.
1.9 The Working Group agreed a set of recommendations to address the concerns of the industry, which cover:
- limit on the normal capacity in kW of a domestic gas supply service
- harmonise procedures for installing appliances covering:
- pre-commissioning
- commissioning
- post commissioning.
- conditions for reporting low pressure supply
- method of testing for low pressure on the installation
- response from the emergency service providers.
1.10 The Recommendation for changes to working practice, Communication 1830 was published in July 2022 and is freely available on IGEM’s website www.igem.org.uk.
1.11 Compliance with this Standard cannot confer immunity from statutory legal obligations.
1.12 This Standard makes use of the terms “must”, “shall” and “should”, when prescribing particular procedures. Notwithstanding Sub-Section 1.15:
- the term “must” identifies a requirement by law in the United Kingdom (UK) at the time of publication
- the term “shall” prescribes a requirement which, it is intended, will be complied with in full and without deviation
- the term “should” prescribes a requirement which, it is intended, will be complied with unless, after prior consideration, deviation is considered to be acceptable.
Note: The phrase “prior consideration” means that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment will be completed and documented to show that the alternative method delivers the same, or better level of protection.
1.13 The primary responsibility for compliance with legal duties rests with the employer. The fact that certain employees, for example “responsible engineers”, are allowed to exercise their professional judgement does not allow employers to abrogate their primary responsibilities. Employers are required to:
- have done everything to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that there are no better protective measures that can be taken other than relying on the exercise of professional judgement by “responsible engineers”
- have done everything to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that “responsible engineers” have the skills, training, experience and personal qualities necessary for the proper exercise of professional judgement
- have systems and procedures in place to ensure that the exercise of professional judgement by “responsible engineers” is subject to appropriate monitoring and review
- not require “responsible engineers” to undertake tasks which would necessitate the exercise of professional judgement that is beyond their competence. There need to be written procedures defining the extent to which “responsible engineers” can exercise their judgement. When “responsible engineers” are asked to undertake tasks that deviate from this, they are to refer the matter for higher review.
1.14 It is now widely accepted that the majority of accidents in industry generally are in some measure attributable to human as well as technical factors in the sense that actions by people initiated or contributed to the accidents, or people might have acted better to avert them.
It is, therefore, necessary to give proper consideration to the management of these human factors and the control of risk. To assist in this, it is recommended that due cognisance be taken of the HSG48 and HSG65.
1.15 Notwithstanding Sub-Section 1.12, this Standard does not attempt to make the use of any method or specification obligatory against the judgement of the responsible engineer. Where new and better techniques are developed and proved, they are to be adopted without waiting for modification to this Standard. Amendments to this Standard will be issued when necessary and their publication will be announced in IGEM’s Journal and other publications as appropriate.
1.16 Requests for interpretation of this Standard in relation to matters within its scope, but not precisely covered by the current text, are to be addressed to:
- Technical Services, IGEM, IGEM House, 26 & 28 High Street, Kegworth, Derbyshire, DE74 2DA, or
- by e-mail to [email protected]
and will be submitted to the relevant Committee for consideration and advice, but in the context that the final responsibility is that of the engineer concerned. If any advice is given by or on behalf of IGEM, this does not relieve the “responsible engineer” of any of his or her obligations.
1.17 Amendments are shown throughout the document by ><.
1.18 This Standard was published in August 2023.
2.1 This Standard covers industry agreed changes to working practice set out in IGEM Communication 1830 and covers the:
- limit on the nominal gas load for domestic premises in kW
- harmonise procedures for installing appliances covering:
- pre-commissioning
- commissioning
- post commissioning.
- > servicing and maintenance of domestic appliances <
- conditions for reporting low pressure supply
- method of testing for low pressure on the installation
- response from the emergency service providers.
2.2 >This Standard essentially covers domestic supply capacity and the operating pressure at the outlet of the meter. These changes in some of the details conflict with current published BSI standards and established company procedures. The industry is arranging to have such information considered as a part of the review of related Standards in due course, in the meanwhile for application of this Standard or BS 6400-1; BS 6400-2 see Figure 1. >
2.3 All pressures quoted are gauge pressures, unless otherwise stated.
2.4 Italicised text is informative and does not represent formal requirements.
2.5 Appendices are informative and do not represent formal requirements unless specifically referenced in the main sections via the prescriptive terms “must”, “shall” or “should”.