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Join sph2ere today to access the latest hydrogen news, discussions and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals dedicated to shaping the future of sustainable energy.

Access to the latest hydrogen news and discussions 

Discover the power of staying informed with sph2ere, your ultimate destination for all things hydrogen energy. Powered by the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM), sph2ere ensures credibility and reliability in every piece of content. 

We're more than just a news source, we're a community driven by a passion for progress and sustainability. Our platform is built on principles of authenticity, inclusivity, and collaboration, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued.

We're not just reporting on the future of hydrogen energy; we're shaping it. With agility and enthusiasm, we tackle the latest developments and trends, providing you with the knowledge and insights needed to stay ahead in this dynamic industry.

Access to our community of experts and technical information

If you are an existing IGEM member, you'll already be familiar with the wealth of knowledge and resources available through the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre. This academic hub covers all things hydrogen; it's a resource of research papers, case studies, and technical reports curated by experts in the field.

For those who aren't IGEM members yet, fear not! By subscribing to Sph2ere, you'll unlock insights and blogs based on the technical content of the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre. Our team puts academic articles into digestible and accessible content, ensuring that even newcomers to the hydrogen scene can grasp the latest advancements and discussions.

Connect with fellow individuals in the hydrogen space

Joining sph2ere isn't just about staying informed; it's about becoming part of a vibrant community dedicated to shaping the future of hydrogen energy.

As a subscriber, you'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and enthusiasts who share your passion for sustainability and innovation via our LinkedIn page. 

Spark collaboration and fuel innovation 

Our mission is clear: by working together, we create an open space where ideas can flourish and progress can thrive. We believe that collaboration is the key to unlocking the full potential of hydrogen as a sustainable energy solution. By bringing together individuals, professionals, and organisations from diverse backgrounds, we enable growth at every level. Our collective aim? To propel the world towards a net zero future, where clean energy is the norm.