Mar 2025
by IGEM North East & Yorkshire

Velocity Design with Hydrogen

The North East & Yorkshire Section had insights into the Velocity Design with Hydrogen project, the work that has been undertaken to date and looked forward at testing planned for 2025.

Hydrogen has the potential to provide clean energy for heat, transport, and industry. However, previous studies have shown that hydrogen velocity would increase by a factor of 3 if required to supply the same demand, through the same pipelines, and operating at the same pressure.

Ofgem Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) Discovery and Alpha projects concluded that conversion to hydrogen, with increased velocities, has the potential to increase erosion, particle transportation, vibration and noise.

A SIF Beta phase project is now in progress which has started off-grid testing and analysis, with the aim of understanding the effects of increased hydrogen velocities, and ultimately inform decisions for potential updates to velocity limits in gas standards.

Ben Smith, DNV & Innes Maciver, SGN, provided an overview of the project, the work that has been undertaken to date, and a look forward at testing planned for 2025.