Oct 2024

Spotlight on EngTech: Lewis Kirkwood

With Engineering Technician numbers growing across the institution, we’re telling the stories of some of our members. This month, we spoke to Lewis Kirkwood, Innovation Development Manager at Northern Gas Networks (NGN) and EngTech member of IGEM

Making new connections and exploring multiple different avenues in the sector is something Lewis is largely passionate about.

Lewis Kirkwood

“The best advice I would be able to give would be to get involved in as much as possible. If there are any working groups within your company, it can be a great way to engage with other areas of the business and to interact with new people.

“Attending conferences and working groups is also a great way to understand what others within the industry are thinking and develop your own understanding.”

Expanding his network is a work ethic Lewis has always instilled, starting when he joined Northern Gas Networks in 2021 as a Customer Care Officer. In this role, he completed pre-visits on sites that were having iron mains replacement works before shortly upgrading to a surveyor role for planned and built over work schemes.

Gas safety has always been extremely important to Lewis but became particularly prominent to him in this position as he would have to rectify situations and leave properties and assets in a safe manner. After 12 months in the role, he changed direction and moved into the innovation team working as a project manager.

With a focus on the energy systems transformation, the almost two years in the position has allowed Lewis to develop his knowledge and gain new experiences. He is currently the Chair for the Gas Innovation Governance Group which gives him the opportunity to have meaningful conversations with other energy networks.

Adding another notch to his belt, Lewis joined IGEM to access the benefits recommended by his team at NGN. Attending events is something that he was keen to do to improve his knowledge and broaden his horizons. In the time he has been an IGEM member, Lewis has attended balls, site visits and conferences across the UK.

“I have met some great people and made important contacts along the way, I hope my involvement as the YPN representative in the North East & Yorkshire Section will continue to grow my network within IGEM and have an impact in the sector.”

Achieving his Engineering Technician status is something he is particularly proud of it acknowledges his dedication and “adds weight to the title,” he said. He believes that the EngTech application is role development in itself as it requires listing experience in particular situations and pushes you to want to achieve more.

Promoting the benefits of EngTech membership, Lewis said: “I would advise anyone within the industry to make a start on their application, if there is anyone you know within your company or in the industry already a member it’s definitely worth reaching out and asking for advice.”

Looking toward the future, Lewis believes that gas will still have its part to play in industrial and commercial applications as well as power peaking plants. He also thinks biomethane will also play a key part in decarbonising the networks with more injection points connecting to the grid.

Lewis is excited to see where his career takes him and how he will play his part in the future energy mix.