Labour promises to treble solar and quadruple offshore wind


The Labour Party has unveiled its intentions to increase the capacity of onshore wind power by twofold, expand solar energy by threefold, and multiply offshore wind energy by fourfold within the United Kingdom.

These proposals were disclosed by Ed Miliband, the shadow secretary of state for climate change and net zero, during his address at the Labour Party conference.

I am proud that Keir Starmer’s [Leader of the Labour Party] 2030 mission is for the greatest investment in homegrown energy in British history. We’ll double onshore wind. We’ll treble solar. We’ll quadruple offshore wind. We’ll invest in nuclear and hydrogen and carbon capture and tidal power,” Miliband said.

"That’s the new Britain we can build together.

The speech is directed towards the present Conservative government, criticizing their disregard for climate issues. Miliband specifically addresses the 2015 unofficial prohibition on new onshore wind projects, an action that numerous Members of Parliament have been advocating to reverse ever since its enactment.

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