IGEM/G/101 - Onshore natural gas extraction and route to use

This guidance document is part of a series of IGEM publications, providing practical guidance to support the Borehole Sites and Operations Regulations (BSOR), Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc) Regulations, Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GS(M)R), and the Pipelines Safety Regulations (PSR). This Guidance is the basis for good practice for the industry, including but not limited to:
- Gas exploration and production companies
- Gas transmission and storage companies
- Local Authorities
- Gas exploration and production companies
- Gas transmission and storage companies
- Local Authorities
- The Health & Safety Executive
- Environmental Agency
In the light of exploration for Shale gas in the UK, this guidance document has been produced to provide information on the current legislative framework that is in place which governs the drilling for exploration of oil and gas in the UK. It also covers the health, safety and environmental considerations for the extraction, storage and transportation to the user or gas transporter, supplier or conveyor.