Ed Miliband's vision: Transforming UK's energy future


Ed Miliband, the newly appointed Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, has outlined his vision for the department following his appointment on 5 July 2024. His plan focuses on transforming the UK into a clean energy superpower and ensuring energy security while addressing economic inequality and the climate crisis.


Key Priorities for the Department:

  1. Boosting energy independence and cutting bills: Miliband aims to transition the UK away from fossil fuels and towards homegrown clean energy by 2030. This shift is expected to secure energy independence and permanently reduce energy bills for families and businesses.

  2. Establishing great British energy: The department will focus on reclaiming control over the UK's energy resources. This initiative aims to ensure a stable, self-sufficient energy supply and bolster national security.

  3. Upgrading homes and reducing fuel poverty: Through the Warm Homes plan, Miliband intends to upgrade Britain's housing stock, making homes more energy-efficient and reducing fuel poverty across the country.

  4. Reforming the energy system: To protect consumers, the department will undertake comprehensive reforms of the energy system, ensuring fairness, transparency and efficiency.

  5. Creating jobs and ensuring a just transition: A significant focus will be on generating good jobs in Britain's industrial heartlands. This includes a just transition for North Sea industries, ensuring that workers in traditional energy sectors are supported as the country moves towards clean energy.

  6. Leading international climate action: Building on domestic achievements, the UK will lead global efforts to combat the climate crisis, setting an example through its commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Ed Miliband emphasised the importance of a collective national effort, involving citizens, businesses, trade unions, civil society and local governments. His previous experience as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change has equipped him with valuable insights into the civil service's capabilities and the dedication of its staff.

The Road Ahead

For gas engineers and energy professionals, these priorities signal significant changes in the energy landscape. The move towards clean energy will involve substantial investment in new technologies, infrastructure upgrades and job creation in emerging sectors. Gas engineers will play a crucial role in this transition, leveraging their expertise to support the development and maintenance of cleaner energy systems like hydrogen. 

Read more: Energy Secretary Ed Miliband sets out his priorities for the department