IGEM/TD/4 Edition 5 - Polyethylene (PE) and steel gas services and service pipework - Digital (1 year)

This standard contains details of basic pipeline construction, installation and maintenance for gas services

This standard contains recommendations for the design, construction, installation, testing, operation, inspection and maintenance of natural gas services and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) service pipework. It covers steel and polyethylene (PE) services for the provision of second and third family gases. 

Natural gas pipelines of maximum operating pressure not exceeding 10 bar at temperatures from 0°C to 20°C are covered as are PE pipelines not exceeding 16 bar and temperatures from -25°C to 40°C for steel. For LPG the recommendations limit maximum operating pressure to 2 bar in the LPG vapour phase. 

Gas services and service pipework are divided into four sections depending upon the pressures involved and the diameter of the pipework. 

The scope of this standard includes: 

  • Legal considerations - land rights, noise control and gas safety
  • Design requirements - material selection and risk assessment
  • Site activities and management
  • Construction - pipe laying and jointing, siphons, valves and anchorage
  • Service entry and termination, along with meter installations
  • Pressure testing methods and criteria, along with decommissioning of pipework
  • Alterations and connections to live services
  • Maintenance and repair methodologies - inspection and surveillance methods.