IGEM/TD/2 Edition 2 +A: 2015 - Assessing the risks from high pressure natural gas pipelines - Digital (3 year)

This standard contains guidelines for analysing and managing the risks presented by buried natural gas pipelines

This standard contains guidelines for analysing and managing the risks presented by buried natural gas pipelines. It provides a framework for carrying out an assessment of the acute safety risk associated with major accident hazard pipelines containing high pressure natural gas. It also provides guidance on the selection of pipeline failure frequencies and on the modelling of failure consequences for the predication of individual and societal risks.

It is applicable to buried pipelines on land that can be used to carry high pressure natural gas. It is limited to cross country pipelines and is not intended for application to pipelines and pipework forming part of above-ground installations, nor to associated equipment such as valves. However, it also includes measures for assessing the risks arising from new developments in the vicinity of pipelines.