IGEM/TD/19 - Reinforced thermoplastic pipelines for high pressure gas transmission - Digital (3 year)

IGEM/TD/19 - Reinforced thermoplastic pipelines for high pressure gas transmission

This Standard documents the requirements for design, construction, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of RTP pipe forming part of a pipeline. The availability of pipe constructed from reinforced thermoplastic (RTP) provides an alternative material for pipelines designed to have a MOP exceeding 7 bar and not exceeding 100 bar.

This procedure covers design, construction, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of pipe constructed from RTP material that is buried, laid between points on land, with a MOP exceeding 7 bar and not exceeding 100 bar. In general, the requirements of IGEM/TD/1 are to be followed, with additional guidance relating specifically to RTP pipe being provided by this Standard. It is noted that not all requirements of IGEM/TD/1 are appropriate to RTP pipe; however, it may be necessary to consider some aspects (e.g. cathodic protection) as part of the overall pipeline. In some cases it has been necessary to reference IGEM/TD/3 as an example Standard for the requirements of polyethylene (PE) liner materials.