IGEM/TD/17 - Steel and polyethylene (PE) pipelines for biogas distribution - Hard copy

This standard details the requirements for the use of steel and PE pipelines for the distribution of biogas

This Standard covers the design, construction, testing, operation, maintenance and inspection of steel and PE pipelines for the transport of biogas. It covers pipelines carrying biogas not exceeding maximum operating pressure (MOP) of 2 bar at temperatures from 40°C to 100°C for steel pipelines and 0°C to 40°C for PE pipelines.

It is concerned predominantly with the underground network of pipes that convey biogas from production plants to a suitable point where it can be used in the industrial or commercial sector or upgraded to biomethane for use as vehicle fuel or injection in the Natural Gas network.

The scope of this Standard includes:

  • competency, quality assurance and integrity of a pipeline
  • legal considerations and planning , such as the Pipelines Safety Regulations and Gas Safety (Management) Regulations
  • design principles, including risk assessment and classification of hazardous areas
  • construction basics, such as joints and welding
  • pressure testing, commissioning and decommissioning procedures
  • alterations and connections to live pipelines
  • operation and maintenance, including gas detection
  • record keeping and distribution.
This Standard should be used in conjunction with IGEM/TD/3 Steel and PE pipelines for gas distribution and IGEM/UP/2 Installation pipework on industrial and commercial premises.