IGEM/TD/16 Edition 2 - Biomethane injection - Digital (3 year)

This standard covers the design, construction, installation, testing, operation, inspection, maintenance and decommissioning of biomethane network entry facilities (BNEFs)

There is a need for guidance on the injection of biomethane into the Natural Gas distribution network. Work undertaken by the Energy Market Issues for Biomethane Working Group has led to production of a report on which the guidance in this Standard is based. This Standard provides requirements to be met by parties who are considering injection of biomethane into the network.


This Standard covers the requirements for design, construction, installation, inspection, testing, operation maintenance and de-commissioning of Grid Entry Units (GEUs). Upgrading Plants (UP) are outside the scope of this Standard, however, consideration of the UP and its impact on the design and operation of the GEU may be appropriate.