IGEM/TD/13 Edition 3 - Pressure regulating pipeline installations exceeding 7 bar - Hard copy

This standard covers pressure regulating installations for natural gas, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and LPG/air

This standard covers the design, construction, testing, operation, inspection and maintenance of various pressure regulating installations (PRIs) that contain gas in the gaseous phase. 

It covers any PRI containing; natural gas that is installed in a network pipeline and where the maximum operating pressure does not exceed 100 bar at operating temperatures between -20°C and 120°C. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is installed in either a distribution main or service pipework and whose maximum operating pressure does not exceed 16 bar at operating temperatures between -20°C and 50°C. 

LPG/air mixture that is installed in either a distribution main or service pipework and whose maximum operating pressure does not exceed 2 bar at operating temperatures between -20°C and 50°C. 

The scope of this standard includes: 

  • Legal and allied considerations, such as EU Legislation and gas safety Regulations
  • Planning, location, layout and security of PRI’s
  • Housings, including pits, separate buildings and cabinets
  • Design, including pipework sizing, valves, vent lines, pipes and fittings, welding and stress analysis
  • Pressure and flow control, along with safety devices
  • Corrosion prevention
  • Electrical installation and instrumentation
  • Construction, including site safety, materials, fabrication and welding of pipework and components
  • Testing, including equipment and acceptance criteria
  • Commissioning and decommissioning
  • Operation and maintenance, including safety, purging, corrosion monitoring, up rating and down rating.