IGEM/TD/1 Supplement 1 Edition 2 - Handling, transport and storage of steel pipe - Digital (3 year)

Covers the handling, transport and storage of steel pipe and highlights precautions to control steel pipe products being delivered, off-loaded and stored safely at customers' sites

This supplement covers the handling, transport and storage of steel pipe and highlights precautions to control steel pipe products being delivered, off-loaded and stored safely at customers’ sites.

The updated version includes: 

  • Updates relating to handling, lifting and storage (including stacking) of pipe and components

  • Text was added to cover consideration of human factors

  • Specific guidance on minimum requirements for short term storage was included

  • Additional requirements for long term storage were included specifically, protection and physical checks on withdrawal from storage

  • A new section was added: Section 3 - Safety

  • There was a general update and revision of figures

  • The terminology used in the Standard was streamlined

  • Legislation, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 (references) were all updated.