IGEM/TD/1 Edition 6 - Steel pipelines for high pressure gas transmission - Digital (1 year)

This standard contains information on the construction, operation and maintenance of onshore steel pipelines used for the large scale, high pressure, transmission of natural gas

This standard contains information on the construction, operation and maintenance of onshore steel pipelines used for the large-scale transmission of natural gas. It also applies to some associated installations e.g. above-ground valves.

The standard covers the design, construction, inspection, testing, operation and maintenance of steel pipelines and certain associated installations for the transmission of dry natural gas, with or without odorisation, at MOP exceeding 16 bar and not exceeding 100 bar.

It may be appropriate for use with other gases but the characteristics and consequential effect upon design, material, operations and maintenance of the pipeline must be taken into account.

It covers operating temperatures between -25°C and +120°C and applies to pipelines laid between points on land, including water crossing. If a pipeline has an offshore part, additional guidance may be required for that section, though many of these requirements will remain valid. It equally applies to pipework design for certain associated installations, including above-ground valves, pig trap installations, manifolds, multi-junction stations, the main pipework at compressor stations, metering installations, connections and other off takes. It does not apply for PRIs.

Specifically, it details:

  • Management systems

  • Planning and legal considerations

  • Materials and component selections

  • Pipeline design, including sizing, thickness, stress calculation, fatigue, area types, sleeving, valves and pigging

  • Construction, including safety and environmental measures, welding, bedding and covering, backfilling and crossing

  • Testing, including equipment, planning, acceptance criteria, safety and repair

  • Commissioning

  • Protection against corrosion

  • Associated installations, including site layout and selection,  design, construction and testing

  • Operation and maintenance, including surveillance and inspection