IGEM/SR/14 Edition 2 - Fixed volume storage for lighter than air gases - Hard copy

This standard describes the safety concerns present when dealing with fixed volume storage, along with any associated valves or pipework, for gases that are lighter than air

This standard covers the safety aspects of commissioning, design, construction, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair, modification and decommissioning of horizontal vessels and buried pipe arrays for the storage of fuel gases with a specific gravity of less than 0.7, along with associated pipework and valves.

It does not cover pressure raising or pressure reduction plant. Specifically this standard relates to storage associated with transmission and distribution systems and draws attention to those aspects of fixed volume storage design, operation and maintenance which have a direct bearing on safety.

The scope of this standard includes:

  • legal considerations such as the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Pipelines Safety Regulations
  • site location and layout
  • fire prevention and precautions
  • security measures
  • design, including pipework, valves and fittings
  • noise concerns
  • instrumentation and electrical safety precautions   
  • testing, such as hydrostatic or pneumatic    
  • commissioning and decommissioning, including purging concerns   
  • safe operation protocols
  • inspection and maintenance procedures   
  • repairs and modifications
  • record keeping and accessibility.