IGEM/GL/8 Edition 4 - Reporting and investigation of gas-related incidents - Digital (3 year)

This guidance is for Gas Transporters, gas suppliers, gas operatives and others and covers reporting and investigating incidents and dangerous occurrences associated with the supply and use of fuel..

This guidance is for gas transporters, gas suppliers, gas operatives and others. It covers reporting and investigating incidents and dangerous occurrences associated directly with the supply and use of fuel gases. Relevant Legislation addressed by this guidance is:

  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act
  • Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations
  • Pipelines Safety Regulations
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
  • Control of Major Accident Hazard Regulations.

It contains details on:

  • Reporting methods and identification of the types of incident
  • Investigations, including arrangements, execution and subsequent reporting.