Being recognised as a professional provides reassurance to customers, colleagues, and the public that you are competent to carry out the work. Regularly undertaking engineering CPD activities demonstrates to the wider engineering community and the public your continued competence, high safety levels and professionalism. It’s also a great way to help you stand out from the crowd, whether you are looking to land your first gas industry job or progress your career.
Contact our team at IGEM to access our guidance and support and continue your personal and ongoing professional development. We can also assist with employee professional development if you manage a team.
About us
Licensed by the Engineering Council as the professional engineering institution (PEI) for gas, our main objective is to help everyone working with gas attain and continue to develop high standards of professional knowledge and ability.
For those individuals who can demonstrate the necessary level of knowledge and ability as set out in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC), IGEM is licensed by the Engineering Council to award Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Engineering Technician (EngTech).
Our learning activities are split into two categories: Initial Professional Development (IPD) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). IPD refers to learning that is acquired before an individual becomes a professionally registered CEng, IEng or EngTech. CPD refers to learning activities that maintain professional competence.
Engineering grants and scholarships
To support you in your education and beyond to your professional career, we provide scholarships, grants and awards. We also support innovation and development by rewarding and recognising achievement.
Click on Scholarships and Grants to find out more.
Contributions to your CPD record
Many activities can be added to your CPD. They can be generally divided into four types:
1. Work-based learning
This type of learning is characterised by a ‘hands-on’ approach and learning on the job. It also usually involves others, being coached by peers and colleagues, as well as having discussions and being reviewed. Shadowing a colleague’s work and completing project work also comes under this type of CPD.
2. Professional activities
These types of activities involve teaching others, whether as a lecturer or mentor and delivering talks and presentations. You would usually be involved with a professional body (like IGEM). You could also include the maintenance and development of relevant specialist skills.
3. Formal and educational
Continuing your education and assisting the education of others is a vital part of CPD. You could attend (and teach) courses, conduct research and write papers, as well as attend conferences and further education.
4. Self-directed learning
There is a wealth of information in your chosen profession, and you can access this by reading articles, journals and books, as well as reviewing them as a professional to ensure they are accurate and informative.
IGEM CPD opportunities
The main goal of IGEM is to support members to maintain their professional expertise to help ensure the competence and the safety of engineers and the public.
Here are just some of the CPD opportunities that we offer:
- Meeting and networking with fellow members and likeminded professionals, asking questions, sharing ideas and seeking advice.
- Reading our website, e-newsletters and journal
- Writing an article for our journal
- Reading, understanding and applying the best practice contained within our technical standards
- Attending technical paper evenings
- Going on technical visits
- Completing our technical training courses
- Attending our conferences
- Speaking at our conferences and events
- Participating in one of our technical panels or special interest groups
- Working towards professional registration
- Writing a technical report or professional review report
- Mentoring fellow professionals whilst they obtain their professional title
- Contributing to the future direction of the Institution by becoming a member of our Council
- Chairing or participating in one of our committees
- Assisting in the running of a local section
What counts as CPD?
Assessing professional development
For us to assess your eligibility for professional registration, we will need to assess your experience, training, and qualifications against the UK-SPEC standards. Please see the professional registration pages for further details.
Professional Code of Conduct
Our professional code of conduct stipulates that you carry out and record regular CPD activity to retain your professional membership.
CPD sampling
Each year we select 2% EngTech, IEng and CEng professionally active members at random and ask our Professional Development Committee to review their CPD records. This is to ensure the quality of professional membership and to support our members to increase and maintain their professional competence.
If you are part of the 2% sampled, we will contact you on or before 1 June to support you to update your CPD records with your activities over the previous year, though you are permitted to submit any records previous to this. The deadline for submissions is 1 July.
If you are a member, you can use mycareerpath to simply submit your activity list for the last 12 months.