Section: North West Limited tickets remain!

The Future Role of Gas and Political Engagement

Mike Foster CEO of Energy and Utilities Alliance will revisit the presentation he made to the Section five years ago on the future of the gas industry and the challenges of meeting net zero.

As the Political landscape has changed over the last five years, numerous leadership changes and now a with a different party in government, is end user the customer at risk. Are they being engaged? Will net-zero cost the consumer? How can we ensure that they will not be negatively affected? Not only this; but how does heat decarbonisation effect the suppliers, politics, and ultimately the planet?

Mike Foster CEO of Energy and Utilities Alliance will revisit the presentation he made to the Section five years ago on the future of the gas industry and the challenges of meeting net zero.

Energy and Utilities Alliance is a not-for-profit trade association based in the West Midlands. Mike holds a degree in economics, a post-graduate certificate in education and is a Chartered Management Accountant. Having started work in the automotive industry, he taught accountancy, economics and statistics for six years before becoming MP for Worcester (1997-2010). He served as a Minister under both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, latterly as Minister for International Development.

Before heading up EUA, he was Head of Communications at the international charity WaterAid. He is the non-executive Chairman of Affordable Warmth Solutions, a community interest company that delivers fuel poverty solutions across the UK.