
Net Zero by 2050: Is Your Utility Company READY?

Don't get left behind! This free webinar reveals how to thrive in a net zero world. The clock is ticking. Net Zero by 2050 isn't just a buzzword, it's the new reality. Is your utility company equipped for this seismic shift?

The utility industry has a monumental task: achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This webinar, led by Radius Systems, tackles this challenge head-on, offering practical steps for utilities, contractors, and supply chain partners to navigate this crucial journey.

Key Topics to be Covered:

Setting the Stage: Phil Richards from Sustainable Energy First will provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and frameworks for achieving net zero.

The Utility Company Perspective: Horace Wheeler, Head of Net Zero Strategy at Cadent Gas will be talking about their targets and plans over the next eight years working with the supply chain to lower carbon and cost.

Industry Collaboration: Jeremy Heath, Innovation Manager from SES Water, will discuss how the water industry can collectively drive change. He'll delve specifically into the roles of utility companies and contractors in this process.

The Future of Sustainable Materials: Simon Jones, Sustainability Manager at Radius Systems, will explore the exciting potential of bio-ethylene pipes as a greener alternative to traditional polyethylene pipes made from fossil fuels.

Problem: The utility industry faces a critical challenge – achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This requires a significant transformation throughout the supply chain, including collaboration between utilities, contractors, and material suppliers.

Solution: This webinar, presented by Radius Systems, equips you with the knowledge and practical steps to navigate the journey to net zero today.

Join us and discover how you can contribute to a greener future for the utility industry!