Introduction to IGEM/SR/25

This course will provide an understanding of the background, rationale and purpose of IGEM/SR/25 – Hazardous area classification of natural gas installations

Course Summary

This course will provide an understanding of the background, rationale and purpose of IGEM/SR/25 Ed 2 – Hazardous area classification of natural gas installations.

Learning outcomes

  • An understanding of the causes of explosions, ignition sources and thermal hazards
  • A grasp of consequence and risk analysis
  • An understanding of legislation and its application
  • An insight into the practical application of IGEM/SR/25  

Course content

  • Overview of IGEM/SR/25 Ed 2 and basic concepts underpinning the standard
  • Overview of Hydrogen Supplement 1 which outlines where there are differences in the approach for hazardous area classification of installations handling hydrogen, including blends of natural gas/hydrogen 
  • Legislation and standards including DSEAR
  • History, scope, definitions and design principles
  • Zoning (out of doors, enclosures and pits)
  • Good and bad practice
  • Sample drawings
  • Introduction to the SR/25 calculator
  • Case study worked examples  

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for all those who may be asked to carry out hazardous area classification as part of a DSEAR assessment including process safety and health and safety practitioners.

Joining instructions

Once you have booked you will be sent your MS Teams joining invite nearer the date of the course.  The course will take place on two consecutive mornings from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Contact info

Email or call 01509 678150