East Coast Hydrogen Presentation

Hear from Sally Brewis from Cadent on the East Coast Hydrogen Project. The presentation will be covering all aspects of the project to bring hydrogen from the East Coast Industrial Cluster on the Humber into South Yorkshire and beyond into the East Midlands.

East Coast Hydrogen is a partnership between the gas distribution networks, Northern Gas Networks, Cadent and National Gas, which looks after the transmission system.

Together they are looking at developing a 100% hydrogen network that can link hydrogen production to industrial, commercial and power generation users within the region.

Sally Brewis, Head of Regional Development for Cadent, will be delivering an overview of the project including details of the recently published East Coast Delivery Plan which sets out the timeline and progress made from the original feasibility study through to completion.

With over 30 existing gas fired power stations connected to the natural gas network, projects like these will be essential in enabling British industry and businesses prosper as the country transitions to net zero.

A finger buffet will be served at approximately 17:00 followed by the presentation at 18:00.

We hope to see as many of you as possible for this interesting evening presentation.